Meet every Tuesday in term time from 18:00 until 19.30 at the United Reformed Church, La Grande Rue.
Please contact Brown Owl, Mrs Tracy Charmley at 263045 or 07839 794794 Email: tracycharmley@gmail.com or http://www.girlguiding.org.gg/Brownies.aspx
Meet every Tuesday in term time from 18.30 until 20.00 at The St Saviours Church Fellowship Hall.
Please contact Kirstie on 07781 448123 or email stsavioursguides@hotmail.com for more information. (Girls 10 - 14 years)
for more information.
Meet every Tuesday in term time from 16.45 until 17.45 at the United Reformed Church Hall , La Grande Rue.
Please contact Kirstie on 07781 448123 or email stsavioursrainbows@hotmail.com for more information. (Girls 4 - 7 years)
Sylvans Sports Club
Sylvans is located on the border of St Saviour and St Pierre du Bois and provides excellent sporting and social facilities to the local community. For further information please contact Tel: 265448 or by email info@sylvanssc.org website: sylvanssc.org
​Women's Institute
Meet in the Styx Community Centre at 7.30pm on the second Tuesday of each month. Contact Sharon Williams Tel: 710007 Email: sawilliams@cwgsy.net Website: www.wiguernsey.co.uk