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St Saviours Reservoir Guernsey


Welcome to St Saviours Parish


This is the official website for Guernsey's St Saviour Douzaine and Parish.


Here you will find essential information and regularly updated news and material to help you

make the most of living in the beautiful

and ancient Paroisse du Saint Sauveur, which is administered by the St Saviours Douzaine.


Latest News


Dog Tax Now Overdue 

All owners of dogs within the parish must licence each dog annually. The licence fee is £10 per annum and is due on 1st January each year. In order to issue a licence the Constables need to know the name, address and telephone number of the owner together with the name and breed of each dog. If paying by post please supply a stamped and addressed envelope or provide an email address so the licence can be sent electronically. 




Constables Office


St Saviour's Community Centre, Le Neuf Chemin, St Saviour GY7 9FG


Telephone 01481 263414  Email


Office Opening Hours Mondays 14:30 - 18:30 Thursdays 09:00 - 11:00 












St Saviours Guernsey Floral
St Saviours Guernsey Activities
St Saviours Guernsey Churches
St Saviours Guernsey Community Centre
St Saviours Guernsey Douzaine
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